
Webhooks make integration with Loop easy by allowing you to subscribe to certain events that Loop emits. Loop will automatically create an account for you when deploying your contract so that you will be able to subscribe to webhook events. The shared secret for the account will be provided along with the contract address.

After your Loop account is set up, you will be able to subscribe to these events and configure an endpoint, which will receive a notification each time the event occurs.

If you'd like to receive webhooks, please send us an endpoint where we can POST data to. These are the webhook events currently available. See below for field details and example payloads.

Webhook retry logic

Loop has a standard retry cadence if a webhook is not successfully ingested. Loop will retry 3 times immediately and then start to back off over the next ~20 seconds. There are about 15 retries within this period. After that, if Loop still receives a failure message from your endpoint, retries are attempted every 20 seconds.



Example Payload:

      "event": "AgreementSignedUp",
      "transaction": "-",
      "networkId": 5,
      "networkName": "Goerli",
      "contractAddress": "0x9876543210C511D91Ad0F18D1Dd12987654321",
      "email": "example@mail.com",
      "company": "Test Company",
      "parent": "-",
      "subscriber": "0x9E76932D7661C976a630aB9d06E45c0dc510A4b1",
      "item": "My Subscription",
      "itemId": "eb39844c-b5c7-4a42-a595-259e0fd9e6e2",
      "agreementId": "43bc9a0b-86b1-4a0a-8340-aef5585e2cd5",
      "agreementAmount": "10.00",
      "frequencyNumber": 1,
      "frequencyUnit": "Month",
      "addOnAgreements": "",
      "addOnItems": "",
      "addOnItemIds": "",
      "addOnTotalAmount": "0.00",
      "paymentTokenSymbol": "USDC",
      "paymentTokenAddress": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
      "eventDate": 1701451658,
      "refId": "my-ref-id",
      "metadata": "{ \"trialDays\": 5 }"



Example Payload:

      "event": "AgreementCancelled",
      "transaction": "-",
      "networkId": 31337,
      "networkName": "local",
      "contractAddress": "0xfb255E7d519872D8E9E7BE8C79CE4b98444209Ce",
      "email": "-",
      "company": "Coin Currency LLC 94 48a916fe-c881-49aa-922e-53265185a11a (79faed4d-6606-455f-a8d8-d358c001d617)",
      "parent": "-",
      "entityId": "79faed4d-6606-455f-a8d8-d358c001d617",
      "agreementId": "43bc9a0b-86b1-4a0a-8340-aef5585e2cd5",
      "subscriber": "0x9E76932D7661C976a630aB9d06E45c0dc510A4b1",
      "agreementStartDate": 1701457297,
      "eventDate": 1701457297,
      "itemId": "eb39844c-b5c7-4a42-a595-259e0fd9e6e2",
      "itemName": "My Subscription",
      "refId": "my-customer-ref"


This webhook is sent whenever a transfer request is created. This includes, transfer requested autogenerated by Loop as well as drafts created by Stripe.

Example Payload:

      "event": "TransferCreated",
      "transaction": "-",
      "networkId": 5,
      "networkName": "Goerli",
      "contractAddress": "0xfb255E7d519872D8E9E7BE8C79CE4b98444209Ce",
      "email": "example@mail.com",
      "company": "Test Company (72575f32-c90c-458b-879a-eb1f50438258)",
      "parent": "-",
      "id": "ee324368-8015-4c8a-a80b-3458bbc110c0",
      "invoiceId": "INV-01",
      "billDate": 1689890089,
      "toAddress": "0x38487e6147928c014a749795a04b67ccc95efe61",
      "fromAddress": "0x19dfdc194Bb5CF599af78B1967dbb3783c590720",
      "tokenSymbol": "USDC",
      "tokenAddress": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
      "paymentType": "Transaction",
      "usd": true,
      "amount": "29.10",
      "item": "Item 1",
      "itemId": 1,
      "source": "Manual",
      "batchId": "4a81e3d5-ee71-40c1-90b6-2edcef131841",
      "transferId": "97e412c6-cd7b-4d82-a1f1-4f9e7a4c2d3e",
      "refId": "my-customer-ref",
      "agreementId": "43bc9a0b-86b1-4a0a-8340-aef5585e2cd5"


When a draft invoice is finalized in Stripe, we will send you a webhook. Unless you explicitly disable it, invoices you create in Stripe ​automatically finalize about 1 hour before the payment is due. Invoices you create with the Stripe API, however, ​​won’t automatically finalize.

      "event": "TransferFinalized",
      "transaction": "-",
      "networkId": 5,
      "networkName": "Goerli",
      "contractAddress": "0xfb255E7d519872D8E9E7BE8C79CE4b98444209Ce",
      "email": "example@mail.com",
      "company": "Test Company (72575f32-c90c-458b-879a-eb1f50438258)",
      "parent": "-",
      "id": "ee324368-8015-4c8a-a80b-3458bbc110c0",
      "invoiceId": "INV-01",
      "billDate": 1689890089,
      "toAddress": "0x38487e6147928c014a749795a04b67ccc95efe61",
      "fromAddress": "0x19dfdc194Bb5CF599af78B1967dbb3783c590720",
      "tokenSymbol": "USDC",
      "tokenAddress": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
      "paymentType": "Transaction",
      "usd": true,
      "amount": "29.10",
      "item": "Item 1",
      "itemId": 1,
      "source": "Stripe",
      "batchId": "4a81e3d5-ee71-40c1-90b6-2edcef131841"


Example payload

    "event": "TransferProcessed",
    "transaction": "0x3210f2e709a75df98181178401fd44c074f49e155a9e8627aa0866b870465dec",
    "networkId": 5,
    "networkName": "Goerli",
    "contractAddress": "0x9876543210C511D91Ad0F18D1Dd12987654321",
    "email": "example@mail.com",
    "company": "SubCompany Inc",
    "parent": "Company Inc",
    "transferId": "97e412c6-cd7b-4d82-a1f1-4f9e7a4c2d3e",
    "success": true,
    "paymentTokenAddress": "0x8ac76a51cc950d9822d68b83fe1ad97b32cd580d",
    "paymentTokenSymbol": "USDC",
    "endUser": "0x84d455d0b1ffb0b488cbd1f4b098f076e5628065",
    "reason": "",
    "invoiceId": "inv_0MNiLT0NXI7Xajf6fcW8PmCPpE",
    "amountPaid": 1.423,
    "agreementId": "4684326b-aed2-49cb-a60a-fcc8e9cdc8e3",
    "refId": "customer-123",
    "batchId": "68934968-3260-4c37-9ee7-c93c2efa4f84",
    "usdAmount": "$1.40"

Late payment

Late payment notifications will be sent 10 minutes after the due date for the Transfer Request. If the Transfer Request is processed within that 10 minute window, no late payment notification will be sent.

Example payload

	event: "LatePayment",
	transaction: "0xeec977f21bfa8fd084696fa624fa22bcf46b2b5236207c2924f755bc2c3bdf60",
	networkId: 5,
	networkName: "goerli",
	contractAddress: "0xeF265A078Be7854A7e9e1f9d36c40f61Fad7f8b8",
	email: "name@email.com",
	company: "My Company",
	subscriber: "0x1f9090aaE28b8a3dCeaDf281B0F12828e676c326",
	dueDate: 1683390682,
	amountDue: 100000000;
	lateReason: "Insufficient allowance.",
	eventDate: 1683563482
	agreementId: "4684326b-aed2-49cb-a60a-fcc8e9cdc8e3",
    	refId: "customer-123",
    	transferId: "97e412c6-cd7b-4d82-a1f1-4f9e7a4c2d3e",
	invoiceId: "inv_0MNiLT0NXI7Xajf6fcW8PmCPpE"	

Last updated