Loop + Frames
Companies can easily render their own frame on Warpcast by using this URL
Both the entity ID and the item ID can be found in the payment link for a specific item.
Once you've created your payment link using Loop, simply paste that link into a cast on Warpcast. Your Frame will then render with the Loop checkout links at the bottom.
Pro tips:
You can check your frame at https://warpcast.com/~/developers/frames
EntityID can be found on the company dashboard, on the developer page, under company details.
ItemIDs can be found on the company dashboard by hovering over the item name or copying the URL or using the GET items call.
Expected functionality:
The Frame will display the first four items as Frames can only handle four items currently.
If no items are passed in, Loop will use the first four active items that returned from the Loop database.
If no logo is configured for the company, Loop will use the company name. If you want to configure your logo, reach out to us at support@loopcrypto.xyz.
"Price varies" items will show up as "$0" in the Frame.
When you click on the item at the bottom of the Frame, it will open a new page to purchase the item.
Last updated