Getting setup

Integration time: 2 minutes

Before getting started please you'll need an account with Loop. Reach out to your contact at Loop to help with this.

If you have more than 100 products in Stripe, please let Loop know so we can ensure all your products are properly pulled into Loop.

Setup overview

  1. Create an API key and send it to your contact at Loop using or another secure method.

Loop will then use the API key to create a webhook with Loop’s endpoint, which Loop will use to update Product, Price, and Invoice information. And that’s it!

Additionally, please let us know:

  • Where funds ought to be sent (Inbound treasury address) for each network (it can be the same address)

  • What email customers can use to get in touch with you (this is used as part of our automated emails)

Creating an API key to send to Loop

  • Go to the “developer” tab in the top right corner, click on API key, and create a new “restricted” key

Create a key with the following permissions (these should all be set in the "Permissions" column, not the "Connect Permissions" column):

  • Write permissions

    • Customers

    • Products

    • Invoices

    • Prices

    • Subscriptions

    • Webhook Endpoints

  • Read Permissions

    • Events

  • For production API keys, securely send Loop this key using foxcrypt ( Enter the key as the message, and foxcrypt will generate a one-time URL that Loop will use to view the key.

Note: Your restricted key should start with "rk_", not "pk_". "pk_" denotes a publishable key, which does not have permissions needed for this integration.

Note: Loop will then programmatically create a webhook to consume status updates from Stripe. No action is required in this step.

Some reference information about the webhook event types that Loop consumes:

  • product.updated, product.deleted, product.created

    • Product fields in Stripe that we use for part of our item

  • price.updated, price.deleted, price.created

    • Price fields in Stripe that we use for part of our item

  • invoice.created, invoice.finalized

    • Invoice flow for creating transfers

Last updated