Supported functionality


Below is a list of the features Loop supports. Features in alpha require additional considerations. Please read their respective pages and consult with Loop on how to best implement.

If there is a feature you are using that is not listed here or you have questions about, please reach out.

FunctionSupportIn alphaNot supported

Other topics

  • Price descriptions set up in Stripe will NOT be brought over to Loop, however, you can add descriptions manually in Loop by editing the item

  • When an invoice is finalized in Stripe, it is brought into Loop as a transfer request. At this time, transfer requests can only be canceled in Loop (i.e. if you cancel the invoice in Stripe, it will still exist in Loop).

  • Stripe finalizes bills at midnight in the timezone you've set your account to. The draft invoices in Loop are made internally in Loop based on the logic we have. Thus, if you are using a feature that is in Alpha, the draft bill shown in Loop may not match the draft bill in Stripe. We will replace this draft bill with the finalized invoice from Stripe.

Last updated