Tiered & packaged pricing (alpha)

Tiered pricing allows for various prices for various quantities (e.g. $1/unit for 1-5 units, $3/unit for the next 6-10 units, etc.) while packaged pricing allows for a flat price for a fixed quantity > 1 (e.g. $5 for every 10 items).

Loop supports companies tiered and package pricing but with some limitations.

When an invoice is generated in Stripe, the amount reflects the product's price multiplied by the quantity of the subscription, for example a unit price of $1 and a quantity of 5 would result in a $5 invoice. This total amount will then be processed by Loop for customers who have set up crypto payments.

Loop's checkout page doesn't accept quantities, thus, this feature only works with existing subscriptions. However, for new customers, you can programmatically create the subscription right before the customer checks out, allowing new customers to use this feature.


1. For new customers, collect the quantity amount on your hosted page / app and create the customer in Stripe.

Depending on your first bill date, this may result in Stripe generating the first invoice. Once the customer provides authorization to Loop (the next step), we will ingest this invoice, create a transfer request in our system, and then charge the customer on-chain based on it's details.

2. Collect payment authorization, passing through the subscription ID to Loop via the checkout page or the modal, as you would for converting an existing subscription.

https://checkout.loopcrypto.xyz/<entity ID>/<item ID>?sub=<subscription_id>
  1. Cart display: The cart will show "price varies".

You can add a price description within Loop to add context to cart. This can be done by clicking "manage" on the product on the Subscriptions page.

The "due date" will incorrectly show "due today" as all metered billing is billed in arrears. Thus, if you want to avoid any confusion, you can simply hide the cart.

https://checkout.loopcrypto.xyz/<entity ID>/<item ID>?sub=<subscription_id>&cartEnabled=false
  1. Authorization suggestion: By default Loop will suggest $500. This allowance may likely be too low, thus we suggested you pass into the URL a suggested default authorization. If you are hiding the cart, you will need to pass a minimum balance into the URL. This forces a user of the checkout to have a certain balance in their wallet to complete checkout. This amount can be different than the price of the item.

https://checkout.loopcrypto.xyz/<entity ID>/<item ID>?sub=<subscription_id>cartEnabled=false&defaultSpendingCap=<default spending cap>

3. Get paid

After a customer provides authorization, Loop will automatically create that customer in Stripe or update an existing customer. At this time we will tell Stripe that the coupon should be applied. When Stripe generates the invoice, it will include the logic of the coupon and this will be pulled into Loop just like all invoices are.

Last updated