Field | Type | Description |
event | string | The name of the event |
transaction | string | Will always be blank since there is no onchain transaction |
networkId | number | The ID of the network the event occurred on - 1, 5, 137, 80001 etc |
networkName | string | The name of the network (e.g., Ethereum, Goerli, Polygon, etc.) |
contractAddress | address | The address of the contract the event occurred in |
email | string | The email address of the subscriber (if any) |
company | string | Your company name |
parent | string | The name of the parent company (if any) |
transferId | string | The internal ID of the transfer |
success | boolean | Indicates if the process was processed successfully |
paymentTokenAddress | string | The address of the payment token |
paymentTokenSymbol | string | The symbol of the token address (e.g., USDC) |
endUser | string | The wallet of the user |
reason | string | If the transfer failed, this field will explain why |
invoiceId | string | The ID of the invoice |
amountPaid | number | The amount paid in the transfer |
agreementId | string | The ID of the agreement |
refId | string | The reference ID passed in from checkout |
batchId | string | The batch ID of the transfer |
usdAmount | string | US dollar amount of the transfer request |
Example payload:
event: "TransferProcessed",
transaction: "0x3210f2e709a75df98181178401fd44c074f49e155a9e8627aa0866b870465dec",
networkId: 5,
networkName: "Goerli",
contractAddress: "0x9876543210C511D91Ad0F18D1Dd12987654321",
email: "",
company: "SubCompany Inc",
parent: "Company Inc",
transferId: "97e412c6-cd7b-4d82-a1f1-4f9e7a4c2d3e",
success: true,
paymentTokenAddress: "0x8ac76a51cc950d9822d68b83fe1ad97b32cd580d",
paymentTokenSymbol: "USDC",
endUser: "0x84d455d0b1ffb0b488cbd1f4b098f076e5628065",
reason: "",
invoiceId: "inv_0MNiLT0NXI7Xajf6fcW8PmCPpE",
amountPaid: 1.423,
agreementId: "4684326b-aed2-49cb-a60a-fcc8e9cdc8e3",
refId: "customer-123",
batchId: "68934968-3260-4c37-9ee7-c93c2efa4f84",
usdAmount: "$1.40"
Updated 3 days ago