Field | Type | Description |
| string | The name of the event |
| string | Will always be blank since there is no onchain transaction |
| number | The ID of the network the event occurred on - 1, 5, 137, 80001 etc |
| string | The name of the network (e.g., Ethereum, Goerli, Polygon, etc.) |
| address | The address of the contract the event occurred in |
| string | The email address of the subscriber (if any) |
| string | Your company name |
| string | The name of the parent company (if any) |
| string | The ID of the entity |
| string | The agreement ID that was canceled |
| string | The user's wallet address |
| number | The start date of the agreement - Unix time in seconds |
| number | The date the subscription was canceled - Unix time in seconds |
| string | The ID of the item |
| string | The name of the item |
| string | The reference ID passed in from checkout |
| number | The date the subscription will be cancelled. Unix time in seconds. |
| string | Optional. Reason given for cancellation. May be system generated as well.
Example payload
event: "AgreementSignedUp",
transaction: "-",
networkId: 5,
networkName: "Goerli",
contractAddress: "0x9876543210C511D91Ad0F18D1Dd12987654321",
email: "[email protected]",
company: "Test Company",
parent: "-",
subscriber: "0x9E76932D7661C976a630aB9d06E45c0dc510A4b1",
item: "My Subscription",
itemId: "eb39844c-b5c7-4a42-a595-259e0fd9e6e2",
agreementId: "43bc9a0b-86b1-4a0a-8340-aef5585e2cd5",
agreementAmount: "10.00",
frequencyNumber: 1,
frequencyUnit: "Month",
addOnAgreements: "",
addOnItems: "",
addOnItemIds: "",
addOnTotalAmount: "0.00",
paymentTokenSymbol: "USDC",
paymentTokenAddress: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
eventDate: 1701451658,
refId: "my-ref-id",
metadata: "{ \"trialDays\: 5 }"
Updated about 1 month ago