
eventstringThe name of the event
transactionstringWill always be blank since there is no onchain transaction
networkIdnumberThe ID of the network the event occurred on - 1, 5, 137, 80001 etc
networkNamestringThe name of the network (e.g., Ethereum, Goerli, Polygon, etc.)
contractAddressaddressThe address of the contract the event occurred in
emailstringThe email address of the subscriber (if any)
companystringYour company name
parentstringThe name of the parent company (if any)
idstringThe ID of the transfer
invoiceIdstringThe ID of the invoice
billDatenumberThe due date of the payment - Unix time in seconds
toAddressstringThe wallet address the funds will go to
fromAddressstringThe wallet of the user
tokenSymbolstringSymbol of the token, e.g: USDC
tokenAddressstringThe address of the payment token
paymentTypestringEither Transaction or Fee
usdbooleanFlag to indicate if the transfer is priced in USD or not
amountstringThe transfer amount
itemstringThe name of the item
itemIdstringThe ID of the item
sourcestringThe source of the transfer. Can be Manual, Autogenerated, Stripe, Chargebee, QuickBooks or Xero
batchIdstringThe batch ID of the transfer
transferIdstringThe internal ID of the transfer
refIdstringThe reference ID passed in from checkout
agreementIdstringThe ID of the agreement

Example payload:

      event: "TransferCreated",
      transaction: "-",
      networkId: 5,
      networkName: "Goerli",
      contractAddress: "0xfb255E7d519872D8E9E7BE8C79CE4b98444209Ce",
      email: "",
      company: "Test Company (72575f32-c90c-458b-879a-eb1f50438258)",
      parent: "-",
      id: "ee324368-8015-4c8a-a80b-3458bbc110c0",
      invoiceId: "INV-01",
      billDate: 1689890089,
      toAddress: "0x38487e6147928c014a749795a04b67ccc95efe61",
      fromAddress: "0x19dfdc194Bb5CF599af78B1967dbb3783c590720",
      tokenSymbol: "USDC",
      tokenAddress: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
      paymentType: "Transaction",
      usd: true,
      amount: "29.10",
      item: "Item 1",
      itemId: 1,
      source: "Manual",
      batchId: "4a81e3d5-ee71-40c1-90b6-2edcef131841",
      transferId: "97e412c6-cd7b-4d82-a1f1-4f9e7a4c2d3e",
      refId: "my-customer-ref",
      agreementId: "43bc9a0b-86b1-4a0a-8340-aef5585e2cd5"