How links work technically

One-time payments and subscriptions

Payment links combines an entity's entityId with the unique itemId of one or more products to be shown in the cart. In the case of child entities, each entity will have their own entityId and thus checkout page.

Loop's standard format is:><entity-id>/<item-id>

You can also find product's full URL on the company dashboard or by retrieving it via API with the POST items and GET Items calls.

Payment links for a multi-product purchase

You can append multiple itemIds together so that one payment link results in the purchase of multiple products. This includes combining multiple subscription products, one-time purchases or a combination of both (i.e. subscription(s) with one or many one-time payment). When combining multiple subscriptions, they must have the same billing frequency (i.e. monthly, yearly, etc.).

For example:


Since you will need the itemIds you will first have to create the product in Loop using the POST Items endpoint or retrieve an existing item using the GET Items endpoint.

Customizing payment links

Loop has several additional parameters that can be passed into the URL to customize the checkout experience.


Payment links for invoices have a single static payment link address that can be included in all invoices.<entity-id>

Payers type in the invoice number and amount due (inclusive of any taxes, discounts, quantities, etc) to authenticate into the invoice and pay the bill.

Merchants can pre-populate the payment link so that it takes the customer directly to their unique checkout page.<entity-id>?invoiceId=<invoice_number>&invoiceAmount=<invoiceamount>

Note that if you are using Loop's integration with Stripe that Stripe does not create an invoice number until after an invoice is finalized.

Working with approvals

By default, Loop will suggest 12x + small buffer the amount of the subscription for monthly subscriptions and 1x + small buffer the amount of the one-time payment for one-time payments.

Most wallets (e.g. Metamask) allow the end payer to edit this amount in their wallet before the transaction is sent onchain. Please note, Phantom does not allow editing at this time. Loop will not let the payer continue unless they have enough approval for the first payment.

Companies can override this in the configureable functionality.