Creating merchants

Before you can process payments through our system, each Merchant needs to be configured in Loop.

Call the Entities endpoint, passing in your entityId and API key for authentication. You must set the name, inboundTreasuries, logoURL, and websiteUrl.

The name, logoURL, and websiteUrl will be displayed on the payment link for this Merchant only. When a payer clicks on the logoURL it will direct them to the websiteURL. If you pass in '' '' (blank) for the logoUrl, the payment link will display the name instead.

The inboundTreasuries is where payments from the User to the Merchant will be directed.

Blank fields will inherit their functionality from the parent Entity.

Note that the backgroundStyle parameter has been depreciated. Any value passed in will be ignored.


You can optionally create products (referred to as items in the API call) during Merchant creation. These products will only be associated with this particular merchant.

By default, each item will accept all tokens on every network the entity has configured. You can override this by passing in the acceptedTokensand network.

Every item must have a type. You can get a list of types from the GET item/type endpoint.

Payment links

If an item is created, the response will include the URL to that item's payment link. This URL can always be reconstructed using entityId and itemId returned in the call. You can get an itemId by calling the GET items endpoint.

See here for more information on payment links.