Adding products

Loop internally refers to products as "items and identifies items by their itemId. The itemId is used in the payment link.

Use the POST Items endpoint to create new products in Loop.

You will need to pass in a typeId. You can retrieve upto-date typeIds using the GET Type endpoint. Here is a list of the most common types for ease.

9One Time Payments

When creating items, we strongly recommend that items are set to autoInvoice: true. This will ensure that the customer is charged immediately upon payment and for subscription renewals. See the autoinvocing section for more information.


An item is identified as a one-time payment or subscription by it's frequencyCount. A frequencyCount: 0 denotes a one time payment. If the frequencyCount is set to greater than 0, you must pass in a frequency of HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, or YEAR.

Accepted payment types

By default, each item will accept all tokens on every network the entity has configured. This default token list can be overridden by specifying a subset of that list per item.


In rare cases, an Entity may want to take authorization upfront but charge the customer in the future. If this is the case, then autoInvoice should be left blank or set to false. When autoInvoice:false the Entity must initiate the payment themselves using the POST transfers endpoint.

To charge a one-time purchase immediately and charge a subscription on each fequency date, autoInvoice must be set to true and the amount cannot be set to 0.