Get child entities

It is possible to get a list of all existing entities linked to a parent. Calling the GET endpoint will return a list of entities and their associated items.

Query parameters
Header parameters



The ID of the entity, found on the Company Dashboard

Example: "9906361a-7114-4756-9e7c-0752fd8378e8"

The name of the entity using Loop

Example: "My Company"
contractVersion*number (double)

Temporary field indicating the version of the contract the entity is using

Example: 1
parentId*nullable string

The optional ID of the parent entity if a child entity

Example: "9906361a-7114-4756-9e7c-0752fd8378e8"

A flag to indicate if the entity is using delegated signing

Example: true

The addresses of the wallets receiving transfers per network

replyTonullable string

The email address to set as the reply-to address for emails

Example: ""
websiteUrlnullable string

URL link to the entity's website

Example: ""
signupRedirectUrlnullable string

URL to redirect on signup for entity

Example: ""
logoUrlnullable string

URL link to the entity's logo

Example: ""
secretnullable string

The webhook secret to be used for signing and verifying webhooks

Example: "secret"
webhooksnullable array of WebhookDetails (object)

A list of configured webhooks

paymentPlatformProvider*nullable string

The name of the payment platform provider if configured. Possible values include "stripe", "chargebee"

externalSite*nullable string

Site details For entities with third party integration

Example: "loopcrypto-test"
cancellationDaysThreshold*number (double)

The number of days a payment is retried before an agreement is cancelled

Example: 7
const response = await fetch('//api/v1/entities', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      "entity-id": "text"
const data = await response.json();
    "entityId": "9906361a-7114-4756-9e7c-0752fd8378e8",
    "name": "My Company",
    "contractVersion": 1,
    "parentId": "9906361a-7114-4756-9e7c-0752fd8378e8",
    "delegatedSigning": true,
    "inboundTreasuries": {},
    "replyTo": "",
    "websiteUrl": "",
    "signupRedirectUrl": "",
    "logoUrl": "",
    "secret": "secret",
    "webhooks": [
        "endpoint": "",
        "networkId": 137,
        "webhookEvent": "TransferProcessed",
        "contractAddress": "0x07865c6E87B9F70255377e024ace6630C1Eaa37F"
    "paymentPlatformProvider": "text",
    "externalSite": "loopcrypto-test",
    "cancellationDaysThreshold": 7

Last updated